July 2019

After the announcement of the Semifinalist Photographers we arrived at the third “leg” of the path that will take us to the winners. Check out the list of URBAN 2019 FINALIST PHOTOGRAPHERS! Congratulations to all! This year

Starting from July 18, the best ranked pictures from URBAN 2019 Photo Awards will be displayed around Europe, for the usual series of “travelling exhibit previews”. This year we reached a new record: 700+ photos

dotART cultural association, together with Trieste Photo Days 2019 festival, launches through its platform Exhibit Around a new free call for entries for the project “The Ideal City of Leonardo”.We are looking for photographers interested

Good news! After the announcement of the Selected Photographers we arrived at the second “leg” of the path that will take us to the winners. Check out the list of URBAN 2019 SEMIFINALIST PHOTOGRAPHERS! Congratulations to all!

Thursday, July 18 2019 at 19.30 will open the collective exhibit at the Porec Museum (Croatia) with 3 selected portfolios from URBAN 2019 Photo Awards. Projects has been selected by Museum’s director and URBAN Juror

Copyright © URBAN Photo Awards - All right reserved
Promoted by dotART / Exhibit Around APS | F.C. 90125960329 / 90167170324 / VAT 01377560329
Works exhibited in the gallery are owned by the named photographer and international copyright law prohibits the use of this copyrighted material.
To contact any photographer in the Winners Gallery, email dotART and your message will be forwarded to the photographer.