16th Edition
Submissions Open April 1st, 2025
HomeNewsURBAN 2019: a scholarship to the Cracow School of Art and Fashion Design is also up for grabs

URBAN 2019: a scholarship to the Cracow School of Art and Fashion Design is also up for grabs

URBAN 2019: a scholarship to the Cracow School of Art and Fashion Design is also up for grabs

A new important prize is added to this tenth edition of URBAN Photo Awards, thanks to the partnership with the Cracow School of Art and Fashion Design, Poland (Krakowskie Szkoły Artystyczne).

The School will award the URBAN 2019 winner with a 6-month scholarship (€ 1,500 value) to attend the Photography School (in English) during the school year 2020/2021. The Winner, if unable to attend the course, is free to transfer the scholarship to a third party. Whenever the Winner will renounce the prize, the scholarship will go to the best-ranked author after him/her.

And the prizes don’t end there. Soon we will announce another, rather big one: stay tuned!

Meanwhile, we take the opportunity to update you on the jury, which is almost complete!
