HomeJuryClaudia Colecchia

Claudia Colecchia

Claudia Colecchia

Graduated in History at the Ca ‘Foscari University of Venice, graduated in Archival, Paleography and Diplomacy at the State Archive of Venice, she studied archival, photographic and library studies, worked at the Ca’ Foscari University and IUAV of Venice, the International School of Advanced Studies of Trieste, the Superintendency for the artistic heritage of Friuli Venezia Giulia. She currently holds the position of Head of the Photo Library and Library of the Civic Museums of History and Art of the Municipality of Trieste where she deals with the conservation and enhancement of heritage by conducting guided tours, lessons for students, curating exhibitions and publications mainly dedicated to photography. Organize and participate in conferences, conventions and seminars. She is a member of the Friuli Venezia Giulia Photo Library Network, where she contributes to the organization and implementation of training and dissemination activities.


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