HomeFinalists 2022Finalists 2022: PROJECTS & PORTFOLIOS


Finalist Photograhers 2022 ranking is published in alphabetical order. We will unveil the final podium on October 29th at the Trieste Photo Days 2022 festival.

SELECT idPortfolio,Title,Name,Surname,City,Portfolio.Email,Telephone,Country,SUM(Preferito*3+prevoto+voto1+voto2+voto3) AS Totale, COUNT(id) AS QuantiVoti,nome_arte,usa_nome_arte FROM Portfolio INNER JOIN Portfolio_Votazione ON Portfolio.idPortfolio=Portfolio_Votazione.Portfolio INNER JOIN Giurati ON Portfolio_Votazione.Giurato=Giurati.idGiurato INNER JOIN Giurati_Concorso ON Giurati_Concorso.idGiurato = Portfolio_Votazione.Giurato LEFT JOIN Giurati_Ignora ON Giurati_Ignora.idGiurato = Portfolio_Votazione.Giurato LEFT JOIN autore ON autore.idAutore=portfolio.idautore WHERE prevoto IS NOT NULL AND Giurati_Concorso.idConcorso=0 AND YEAR(portfolio.inserito_il)=2022 AND Approvazione>0 AND (Banca+Paypal+Contanti)>0 AND Giurati_Ignora.idConcorso IS NULL GROUP BY idPortfolio,Title,Name,Surname ORDER BY Ordine LIMIT 34
Muay Thai Kids
Alain schroeder
Alain schroeder
The traces left by the Khmer Rouge
Alida vanni
WITHOUT A HOMELAND - The contended Land
Andrea bettancini
TOSKA – The non-translatable non-West
Andrea bettancini
"Out of the shadow"
Anna biret
The last confession
Anthony sala
Of Warriors and Machines
Antonio denti
The world today!
Antonio bernardino coelho
the daily life of three brother with autism
Barbara zanon
Kids of Lunik IX
Damian lemański
Food Chain
Dan fenstermacher
Nikto, the chicks of war
Ekaterina orlova
The Ameriguns
Gabriele galimberti
Balance in the confusion
Giulio cesare grandi
Hong Kong Lines and Patterns
Jason au
Cairo: A Beautiful Thing Is Never Perfect
Jonathan jasberg
Life as a Charcoal bearer
Lello fargione
All the Things that Could Happen Next
Max sturgeon
Touch Untouchables - Raj Kumar Ram
Małgorzata wakuluk
The Ice Fishermen of Petrie Island
Nicolas st-pierre
Orietta masala
Tradition on Streets
Orna naor
Patrizia mori
Military funeral in Lviv, Ukraine. April 2022
Riccardo marchesi
The decline of the Church in Italy
Roman robroek
Behind the snow
Sergei stroitelev
Here comes the sun
Stefania carraturo
Parranda - The endless night
Stefano violante
Wee Muckers – Youth of Belfast
Toby binder
The winter sea
Ulli mosconi zupin
The world is our playground
Wouter de mol

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