Inez Baturo


Inez Baturo

Artist photographer, translator, publisher, editor. Born in 1966. Now she lives in Bielsko-Biala, Poland. Master’s degree in English Philology (Silesian University, 1991). Cofounder and Vice-President of the Foundation Centre for Photography (since 2004). One of the organizers of FotoArtFestival and its program director. Co-owner of the Baturo Publishing House since 1991. Cofounder of the Gallery of Photography B&B in Bielsko-Biala since 1992. A member of the Union of Polish Artists Photographers (ZPAF) since 1999. Vice-President of the Mountain Division of the Union of Polish Artists Photographers (2004 – 2008). Member of the Photo Agency Forum since 2007.
Since 2009 – a member of IRIS at Loughborough University School of Art and Design, Great Britain, an organization promoting world photography by women. Curator of the exhibition “The Art of Seeing” (Galeria Fotografii B&B, Bielsko-Biala, 2003) and of the International contest and exhibition “No Borders” (2005). Her photographs were published (among others) in: “Playboy”, “Voyage”, “National Geographic”, “Podróze”, “FOTO”. The author the books: “The Beskidy Mountains”, “The Beskids”, “Cieszyn”. Images published in collective books: “Polish Mountains”, “Bielsko-Biala”. Included in the publication – “Masters of Polish Landscape” and in the prestigious “A History of Women Photographers” by Naomi Rosenblum (Abbeville Press, Nowy Jork, USA, 2010). She translated into Polish “World History of Photography” by Naomi Rosenblum (2005), the biggest such a survey in the world. She deals mainly with landscape but she also took photos of children, theatre, fashion. She takes some documentary, too.

– Grand Prix, Contest of Mountain Photography, Nowy Targ 1990, 1992;
– Silver Medal, Contest of Mountain Photography, Nowy Targ 1994;
– for the album “The Beskids”: Jantar Book (prize for the most beautiful book of the year), Meetings of Good Book Publishers, Gdansk 1995; Prize in the Contest of the Society of Polish Book Publishers 1995;
– Prize of the President of Bielsko-Biala City in Culture – Ikar 2005;
– The Main Prize of the Year of the Minister of Culture for Eminent Achievements in Plastic Arts in 2007 (with her husband – Andrzej) given to a photographer for the first time in the history of Poland;
– Grant by the Association of Authors – ZAiKS, Warsaw 2011;
– Nomination to the Prize of the Beskids` Angel of Success by the Academy of Enterprise and Success in BIelsko-Biala. Poland.

Solo exhibitions
– “The World of Mountains”, Festival of Mountain Film, Katowice 1992;
– “The Beskids”, Galerie Objective, Enschede, Holland 1994;
– “Mountains…”, Pusta Gallery, GórnoÉlàska Macierz Kultury, Katowice 1995;
– “Light in landscape”, dias show, Galeria Fotografii B&B, Bielsko-Biala 1997;
– “To see the light”, Galeria Fotografii B&B, Bielsko-Biala 1999;
– “To see the light”, Stara Galeria ZPAF, Warsaw 1999/2000;
– “To see the light”, Galeria stotrzynascie, Bialystok 2000;
– “To see the light”, Galeria Umeleckej Fotografi, Moravska Trebova, Czech Rep. 2001;
– “In the Face of a Moment”, Galley of Lódz Photographic Society 2003;
– “Passion in Photography”, dias show, 5. Explorers Festival, Lódz 2003;
– “Inez Baturo”, International Festival of Photography, Moravska Trebova, Czech Rep. 2004;
– “Inez Baturo”, dias show, Biennale of Mountain Photography, Jelenia Góra 2004;
– “Inez Baturo – Photography”, Dmochowski Gallery, Paris, France 2009;
– “Inez Baturo – Photography”, presentation, Rybnik Festival of Photography 2009;
– “Inez Baturo: Project – My City”, Museum Castle, Bielsko-Biala 2009;
– “Inez Baturo – Photography”, presentation, Katowice School of Photography 2009;
– “Inez Baturo – Fotografia”, A Decade of Photography, Cracow 2009;
– “Inez Baturo – Polish Mountains”, Polish Institute in Vilnius, touring exhibition in Lithuania: Vilnius, Kaunas, Klaipeda among others 2009/2010;
– “Inez Baturo – Photography”, Gallery ArtAdres, Skoczów 2010;
– “Fragments”, The Beskids Library, Bielsko-Biala 2012;
– “Taking photos of the world, I portray myself”, S. Staszic Museum, Pila 2012.

Collective exhibitions
– Contest of Mountain Photography, Nowy Targ and Bielsko-Biala 1990; 1992; 1994;
– International Festival of Mountain Image, Antibes, France 1991;
– Biennal of Mountain Photography, Jelenia Góra 1992;
– “Surprise yourself”, Galerie Objective, Enschede, Holland 1998;
– “Mountain Region ZPAF – 2000”, Gallery of Photography B&B, Bielsko-Biala 2000;
– Mountain Photography, Nowohuckie Centrum Kultury, Cracow 2001;
– “Masters of Polish Landscape”, City Gallery of Art, Lódz 2001;
– “Bia?ka 2002”, Stara Galeria ZPAF, Warsaw 2002;
– “Mountain Photography”, Museum of History of Photography, Cracow 2003;
– “The Art of Seeing”, Gallery of Photography B&B, Bielsko-Biala 2003;
– “Bialka 2003”, Old Gallery ZPAF Warszawa 2003;
– “Horses, horses…”, Gallery of Photography B&B, Bielsko-Bia?a 2003;
– “Where are We?”, Old and Little Gallery ZPAF, Warsaw 2005;
– Festival of Visual Arts, Bielsko Gallery BWA, Bielsko-Biala 2007;
– “Polish Collector`s Photography”, Auction House Rempex, Warsaw 2008;
– “Bielsko-Bia?a, a Magic City”, SFERA Gallery, Bielsko-Biala 2008;
– “Polish Collector`s Photography”, Auction House Rempex, Warsaw 2009;
– “Homage to Hartwig”, Public Library in Lublin 2009;
– “My City Bielsko-Biala”, Museum Castle, Bielsko-Biala 2010;
– Festival of Visual Arts, Bielsko Gallery BWA, Bielsko-Biala 2011;

Works in collecions
– Women`s Issues Collection, British Library, London, GB; Museum Castle in Bielsko-Biala, Poland; Special Collection of the Public Library, Lublin, Poland; private collections.

– “Annie Leibovitz – Life and Photography”, Bielsko-Biala; Rybnik; Cieszyn (2009);
– “Women`s Mountain Photography”, Decade of Photography, Cracow 2009.



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