HomeJuryJury 2013Michael Ernest Sweet

Michael Ernest Sweet

Michael Ernest Sweet


Michael Ernest Sweet is a Candian writer and photographer. He is the author of three books of street photography, The Human Fragment, Michael Sweet’s Coney Island, and Disposable Camera. Michael has been writing and judging photography for many years including work as a senior contributor to Photo Life Magazine and a curator at the World Street Photography Organization. His own photography has received much acclaim for its unique visual presentation, which includes up-close, oddly framed compositions of urban life. Master photographers such as Martin Parr, Roger Ballen, and Jay Maisel have all championed Michael’s photography. In 2018, Michael appeared in the film Garry Winogrand: All Things Are Photographable and in 2021, he appeared in the documentary Fill The Frame. Michael is a recipient of both a Canadian Prime Minister’s Award and a Queen’s Medal for significant contributions to Canada. He lives in New York City.



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