HomeExhibitions2019 ExhibitionsURBAN 2019 @ AL G Meeting Point, Trieste Photo Fringe (Italy)

URBAN 2019 @ AL G Meeting Point, Trieste Photo Fringe (Italy)

URBAN 2019 @ AL G Meeting Point, Trieste Photo Fringe (Italy)

Portfolio: “Nature City” – Antonio Cunico

Photos: Barbara Ebner, Eugenio Novarjra, Francesco Gaia, Francesco Licandro, Gabby Griggs, Marina Franci, Ramòn Cabello.


Nature and City – Antonio Cunico

The city is a complex environment, in continuous transformation and incessantly in relationship with nature. Often a relationship of strength and abuse, of struggle and survival. Thus roads and buildings are built, lawns are asphalted, trees are cut. But as soon as the human hand loosens its hold, nature is ready to take back its space, to make trees and plants grow again, to creep into the cracks of time.
The images were made in the cit of Vicenza (Italy) with a pinhole home-made camera. For this work I used positive color films, with exposures of about one second.


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