HomeExhibitions2021 ExhibitionsURBAN 2021 Real People – A tribute to Bruce Gilden @ Roma

URBAN 2021 Real People – A tribute to Bruce Gilden @ Roma

URBAN 2021 Real People – A tribute to Bruce Gilden @ Roma

The president of the jury of URBAN Photo Awards 2021 Bruce Gilden has personally selected the projects that will be published on Real People – A tribute to Bruce Gilden, the photographic volume in honor of him, born as a special prize in the context of the competition.

“I’m a very tough editor of my own photography”, Gilden writes in the introduction of the book, “and I’m the same when I’m asked to look at other people’s work. In the submissions, I was looking for various styles and different ways of approaching familiar subjects and scenes. In my estimation, I think I chose some solid work that ranges from traditional to more contemporary.”

The Real People volume, which will be presented at the URBAN 2021 awards ceremony during the upcoming Trieste Photo Days, opens with a “best of” section with photos by Gilden himself, and continues with ten projects that pay homage to the New York master’s street photography.

Here are the ten selected authors and projects:

  • Carlo Traini – Promenade
  • Fabrizio Spucches – Working Class Virus
  • Forrest Walker – Populous
  • Giedo Van Der Zwan – Pier To Pier
  • Maria Pansini – Saints, Thieves And Sailors
  • Maurizio Leonardi – Neapolitans Of Parthenope
  • Paula Kajzar – See Me, Feel Me… Heal Me. Emotional Transfer
  • Simon Johansson – The World Shadow
  • Stanley Robben – Craving
  • Ximena Hinzpeter – My Own People

At the end of the book, a “bonus” section for the honorable mentions, with photos by Alessio ToceAndrea ScirèGabriele MicalizziGiancarlo Zuccarone, Jean-Pierre BaudMaude Bardet and Mike Perry.

A selection of the ten projects, together with works by Bruce Gilden, will be exhibited at the Umberto Mastroianni Gallery, at the Musei di San Salvatore in Lauro, in the heart of Rome. A prestigious exhibition made possible thanks to the Centro Studi dell’opera di Umberto Mastroianni and the publishing house Il Cigno GG Edizioni, which we thank for their availability and indispensable collaboration.

The exhibition will be part of the “legs” of the Photo Days Tour 2021 and will be presented on Saturday 2 October 2021 and will remain open until 23 October.


Galleria Umberto Mastroianni
Musei di San Salvatore in Lauro
Piazza di San Salvatore in Lauro, 15 – Roma

Free Entry with Green Pass (EU Digital Covid Certificate)

from Tuesday to Saturday
dalle 10:30 alle 13:00 e dalle 16:00 alle 19:00

On Sunday
10:30 – 13:00  /  16:00 – 19:00
ring the bell: Centro Studi dell’Opera di Umberto Mastroianni



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