HomeMostreMostre 2020Inaugurazione URBAN 2020 @ Museo del Territorio, Cormòns / Photo Days Tour 2020

Inaugurazione URBAN 2020 @ Museo del Territorio, Cormòns / Photo Days Tour 2020

Inaugurazione URBAN 2020 @ Museo del Territorio, Cormòns / Photo Days Tour 2020

Photos: Alessia Peretti, Allan Syphers, Andrea Stradi, Andrzej Wojciechowski, Camus Thierry, Carlo Olmi, Cesare Bosi, Daniele Esposito, Davide Cappellari, Dean Forbes, Emiliano Pinnizzotto, Filippo Leonardi, Gabriele Eltschka-Schiller, Girish Subramanyan, Gunther Schweigert, Harry Giglio, Jaco Tang, Lauren Pantzer, Maria Rozanska, Mario Karlovcec, Martina Gastaldi, Never Edit, Niccolo Fioriti, Oleg Kolimbet, Paolo Bazzocchi, Paolo Dellepiane, Patrizia Pezzino, Patrizia Riviera, Pia Parolin, Pierre-Emmanuel Fehr, Ralf Temporale, Rosario Multari, Silvia Pugliesi, Stefano Paradiso, Sven Delaye, Szymon Lewinski.


Barry Gilbert-Miguet – Souvenirs: La Vie En Rose
Jose Ignacio Hernández – Humanopolis
Joseph Rafferty – Lost: a photographic journey
Krzysztof Bednarski – Reflective Moments
Mark Phillips – A World Apart They Are The Same
Natalie Christensen – The Deconstructed Self
Orietta Masala – Procopia
Roberto Giovetti – Ex-photo


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