15th edition

Photo submitted at the URBAN Photo Awards contest

7 photographic

Discover the photographic categories to which you can submit your photos. You will be able to compete in as many as you want and win in each of them, as well as competing for Photographer of the Year 2024!

Harry Gruyaert Magnum Photographer as URBAN Photo Awards juror

Jury of international
experts and photographers

A jury of big international names, including Magnum Photographer Harry Gruyaert, Olympic photographer Adam Pretty, chief editors of major industry publications and many more!

Photography contest with prizes

Lot of prizes
and lot of possibilities

In addition to competing for the title of Photographer of the Year 2024, you can win as first place in your category. Get noticed by the photographers on the jury and win media coverage in major magazines!


URBAN Photo Awards: the contest that becomes the heart of Trieste Photo Days festival

Timeline URBAN Photo Awards 2022

01.03 » 12.06.2022

Submissions open for Single Photos, Projects & Portfolios, Books

By the end of June 2022

Selected Photographers will be published on the website in alphabetical order (not ranked). Selected photographers will have the chance to participate in summer exhibitions and previews as well.

By the middle of July 2022

Semi-finalist Photographers will be published on the website in alphabetical order (not ranked): around 100 single photos, 50 projects & portfolios and 20 Book Award volumes will be selected.

By the end of July 2022

Finalist Photographers will be published on the website in alphabetical order (not ranked): around 40 single photos, 20 projects & portfolios and 5 Book Award volumes will be selected.

Mid-September 2022

Shortlist will be published on the website in alphabetical order (not ranked): around 12 single photos, 3 projects & portfolios and 1 Book Award volume (in this case, the winner).

Saturday 29 October 2022

The final ranking will be announced during Trieste Photo Days festival. The final ranking will then be published on URBAN website and Facebook page.


  • Winner – Single Pictures: € 2,000
  • Winner – Portfolio: € 2,000
  • Winner – Book Award: € 500
  • Best Author: € 500
  • Exhibits at Trieste Photo Days

… and many more!


  • € 15 (First photo)
  • € 40 (Portfolio)
  • € 20 (Book Award)


  • 01. Single Photos
  • 02. Projects & Portfolios
  • 03. URBAN Book Award


  • Susan Meiselas
  • Nino Migliori
  • Jérôme Sessini
  • Alexandra Sophie
  • Manfred Baumann

… and many more!

Our latest Exhibits
URBAN 2021 @ Zavičajni Muzej Poreštine (Croatia)
URBAN 2021 @ Biblioteca S. Crise (Trieste)
URBAN 2021 Real People – A tribute to Bruce Gilden @ Roma
URBAN 2020 Awards Ceremony with Alex Webb @ Museo Revoltella / Trieste Photo Days 2020
URBAN 2019 Award Ceremony @ Trieste Photo Days
URBAN’s exhibits around the world

A photographic contest that becomes the heart of a Festival

URBAN Photo Awards is a photo contest that sees every year thousand of partecipating pictures and hundreds of participants from all over the world. It is an always growing international photography competition, one of the very few that goes “over the boundaries” of Internet offering to photographers real visibility through dozens of international photo exhibitions. URBAN’s exhibitions culminate during Trieste Photo Days festival, which hosts the awards ceremony, the winners’ collective exhibition of winners and several exhibits of the best ranked photos.

Copyright © URBAN Photo Awards - All right reserved
Promoted by dotART / Exhibit Around APS | F.C. 90125960329 / 90167170324 / VAT 01377560329
Works exhibited in the gallery are owned by the named photographer and international copyright law prohibits the use of this copyrighted material.
To contact any photographer in the Winners Gallery, email dotART and your message will be forwarded to the photographer.